The Vision


My mother’s entire life has been devoted to her home and family. Even before she married my daddy she helped as needed on the family farm whether in the kitchen, in the barn, or in the fields. Summers were spent babysitting her older brother’s children. And she was content! She has done a fabulous job as a wife, caregiver, and homemaker ~ her calling. Without words, my parents instilled in me a strong love of home and there’s no place on earth I’d rather devote my time, revolving my entire existence around my own family. It is my calling as well, and one God has called me to instill in my daughters.

Marriage & Family

Healthy Sexuality

My husband and I both came to our marriage with a massive amount of baggage and no pre-marital counseling. An absolute tragedy. And it has been a long, difficult road to even BEGIN to find healing and wholeness. But it has begun.

And he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
(Phil 1:6NIV)

Home Education

I remember when I was pregnant with our first daughter ~ I was so excited that I could see the elementary school she would attend when I walked the dog! By the time she was born God had called me to home school. Wow, what a turn around! I discovered that teaching and training are as natural as breathing for me, and I view the world as our classroom. Due to the challenges in our marriage and family, much of what I wanted to teach and instill was lost in the fog of war, but God told me to write the vision, and He has given me a very strong vision for home education.

ADHD Puzzles Pieces

Lord, what in the WORLD is going on here?! That was my heart’s cry for many years. After much research and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that at least three of us in the family are in the ADHD realm. I don’t say we have ADHD because not only have we not had any medical diagnoses but I wouldn’t say it anyway because I wouldn’t let it own us. It’s an explanation for why we struggle in certain areas, but it is also a gift. It is how God made us and it is what make us so dynamic! This is the category where I share our journey and hopefully help others recognize and understand their own family challenges. And I would encourage you to stop by my other new site that is under construction:

Disaster Preparedness

I come from a long line of very simple, practical people who are always learning new skills, stocking up, making do with what they have, etc. When I met my husband in the 1990’s he was already a student of Bible prophecy. I would ask questions and he would expound upon the lessons he had learned through the handful of shows he watched on tv and the books he read. He has a God-given gift for remembering what he reads and hears and can talk to you for the next 2 hours about it. And I love to learn, so I just soaked it up! We have been preparing for tough times (what I call the Apocalypse) since the mid-90s. Here I share encouragement and preparedness tips.

Enjoying Little Things

One of the most important techniques for overcoming depression is learning to be mindful of the moment you’re in. Choosing to stop and purposefully embrace the little things in life that speak to God’s goodness and care and design. They are all around us ~ don’t miss them for the world!

The Platform

Warrior Moms

With the all-out assault being wage against the family in our nation today by our enemy, the devil, God is raising up an army of mothers that are being trained in what I call “In The Trenches” warfare. This is serious stuff and not for the faint of heart. You can explore more at one of the other sites I’m developing:

If I Had A Son

I always wanted a son and if I had one I would do everything in my power to raise him up to be a strong man of God. A warrior. A leader. With a nation of men who are falling by the wayside, families are in desperate need of strong, Godly male leadership. The truth is, I’m going to have three sons one day. Sons-in-law, but once they marry my daughters they become my sons. And hopefully a whole army of grandsons! And my passion to “raise” them in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4) is as strong as it is to raise my daughters and granddaughters for the King.

Worship With Me

When I was a new believer in Christ I worked occasionally with a Godly man who was always singing while he worked. He told me about his faith and how deeply he loved the Lord. I’ve never forgotten that. It inspired me to sing all the time also. I remember asking the Lord if He would allow me to take singing lessons and use my voice in a bigger capacity. He said, “No.” I was to use my voice for my family. They were my ministry. And it was important that I teach them the choruses I had learned, so they would have them hidden in their hearts when difficult times came. So they could draw strength from praise and worship. We’ve been through some pretty difficult times and we used to have a written list by the computer with our favorite songs on it. (This was when we first got the Internet and learned to use YouTube!) Now I can embed the videos right on my blog ~ amazing!

Spiritual Thoughts

Pure Miscellaneous

Sometimes I just have things I want to say and I don’t know where to put them!

Eyes Wide Open


Helping You Help Yourself