I was appalled the other day when I read an article over at All News Pipeline entitled George Orwell Meets ‘The Matrix’ At Samsung.

I will let the following quotes from the article speak for themselves:

In this March 19th story over at The Vigilant Citizen which Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Tuesday they report that electronics giant Samsung has launched a new website called “Unspoil Me” which can allegedly “erase your memory” via hypnosis so that you can watch a TV show or movie which you’ve already seen before as if you’re watching it for the very first time.

While such a website and what it is promising sounds as if it were a joke, as VC reports, Samsung is very serious about their new website and its capabilities with the 23-minute hypnosis session which you can participate in for free composed of swirling patterns and mesmerizing music actually created by certified hypnotists in Sweden.

The article goes on to tell us that Samsung has already revealed to us that their televisions have the capability of listening in on our conversations, as we see in the following quote:

As we see detailed below this brief segment, Samsung is a major player in the unfolding ‘surveillance state’ and the ‘new world order’ and as The Guardian reported back in 2016, Samsung sparked a major controversy back in 2015 after announcing that their televisions would “listen to everything said in the room it’s in and in the fine print literally warned people not to talk about sensitive information in front of it.” 

You have GOT to be kidding me!

Click the graphic below to read the article (with links) and watch the videos. Well worth reading the entire article. We think this is important information for all to know.

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