As students of Bible prophecy, my husband and I have a keen interest in studying the news from a biblical worldview.

We believe we are barreling headlong towards the Book of Revelation and it has been fascinating to watch components come together to usher in the system that will be used by the Antichrist.

We’re always looking at trends and the overall “big picture” and how news events and technology play a role in the end times.

For those of us with smartphones, we know that sometimes we lose signal, or the signal is low, which slows our access to the cellular internet down considerably. My phone usually says “LTE” at the top, which tells me I should have no problem accessing the Internet. As soon as it switches to 3G, I know my Internet connection will be slower and I’ll need to practice patience.

If you are really interested in understanding more about Internet connectivity you can read about it HERE.

In a nutshell, “G” stands for “Generation.” First we had 2G, then 3G, then 4G. The LTE that I have is a little different and is explained in the above linked article, but basically think of it as 4G.

Enter 5G.

5G 400x500

Everything You Should Know About 5G! (Posted 2015):

There is a technological revolution coming….like it or not, and possibly sooner than most people expect. We’ve gotten used to the relentless march of technology in our lives, to the point that we accept and absorb each new level with little notice. The first cellphones were introduced in the ’90s; soon our ability to talk, and later text, nearly anywhere and at any time became a fact of life to the point that we soon took it for granted. No longer were we chained to phones attached to our homes, or even our cars. A few years later (2006) came smartphones, with Internet access now added to the continuous flow of information at our fingertips, making previously common items such as newspapers, and even televisions, almost unnecessary to many.

Today, walking down any street or in any public place, it’s almost impossible to find people who aren’t focused on (or at least fiddling with) handheld devices; and we have an entire generation of young people who have no idea of a life that does not include ubiquitous connectivity. But bigger changes are in store.

We are now on the precipice of what is commonly referred to as “the 4th industrial revolution”. Here is a brief summary from to establish some perspective:

1). The first industrial revolution brought mechanical innovations and with it steam power which brought the coal-powered external combustion engine; it started in the late 18th century with the mechanization of the textile industry and the birth of the factory.

2). The second industrial revolution which started in the second half of the 19th century brought the oil-powered internal combustion engine and electrical communication, the electrification of the factory and mass production, with the installation of the assembly line by Henry Ford in 1913.

3).The third industrial revolution, or “digital revolution”, came in the 1980s and brought computerization, i.e. mainframe computers, personal computers and the internet, and the information and communication technology (ICT) available today.

4). And now, the fourth industrial revolution which has arrived at the beginning of the 21st century is the advent of cyber-physical systems, representing new ways in which technology becomes embedded within societies, i.e. business, government, civil society etc., and even the human body; it is driven by the rapid convergence of advanced technologies across the biological, physical and digital worlds.

The ramifications of this new level of technological advancement are difficult to predict, or even fully imagine. But some aspects that are starting to take shape indicate that the world we will inhabit in the next 10-20 years will not resemble what we now know in significant ways. And the advent of 5G will be the main driver of these changes.

Before you watch the following videos, imagine a world where:

Your clothing monitors your vital signs and alerts your doctor to health concerns or that you’re having a heart attack, etc.

You’re at the grocery store and you can’t remember if you need milk, so you use your smartphone and connect to your fridge at home and ask it if you’re low on milk

You can catch up on much needed sleep as your car drives you to work

You can adjust your heat or air conditioning from your phone while you’re away from home (already available)

All of the buildings in your city communicate with each other

Every step you take can be tracked (already available). Not only will some computer, somewhere, always know where you are, but your health insurance company will be continuously updated on your number of daily steps, and adjust your premiums based on your level of fitness. Perhaps your favorite chair in your home will be equipped to check your weight as well.

When brushing your teeth in the morning, your toothbrush will notify your coffee pot to start brewing so that it’s ready and waiting for you.

And many, many, many more examples…

This is called the “Internet of Things” where everything in our lives is interconnected.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it??

To many of the visionaries and technologists working tirelessly to bring this world to our doorstep, the advantages are endless:

Autonomous vehicles will save tens of thousands of lives every year by greatly reducing or eliminating auto accidents, as well as (theoretically) increasing the efficient flow of traffic to prevent congestion. They will also allow mobility for disabled or elderly citizens who cannot drive themselves; just order a vehicle on your smartphone, and it arrives and takes you where you want to go. And you can watch a movie while you ride. You can even send a car to pick up your children from soccer practice, or to the grocery store to pick up the food order you placed through your personal device.

Your home can be set up to automatically adjust the temperature and lighting to your liking, start the shower for you on voice command, and continuously monitor every system (plumbing, electrical, security, etc.), notifying you and your service company of any pending problems that may require service.

Continuous monitoring of your pulse, blood pressure, and other vital signs through your clothing will alert you and your healthcare provider of any irregularities that may indicate pending health issues, allowing preventative treatment to be implemented. Microchips can be implanted in the brains of people suffering from conditions such as schizophrenia or depression, adjusting chemical imbalances or electrical impulses to mitigate the effects before they create behavioral problems.


Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT), the 4th Industrial Revolution…and it will be made possible by the implementation of a global 5G network.

But….in the midst of this grand Utopian vision, can you imagine how this could be used by the Antichrist to enslave the world?

What technology that has been invented for the good of all mankind has NOT been turned to nefarious purposes in the last century or so?

The Wright brothers thought the airplane would make war impossible, because we could now see what out neighbors were up to; they never envisioned the development of the atomic bomb dropped from an aircraft only 40 years later.

Advancement of medical technology can eradicate diseases that have ravaged mankind for centuries, or can be used to develop ever more lethal biochemical weapons that can target even specific racial groups.

A knife can be used to cut your food, or kill your neighbor.

And a gun can either be used to put dinner on your table, protect your family from an intruder, or destroy them in a moment of uncontrolled rage or mental illness.

Think about it.

Trunews: 5G: What Are The Dangers And Will We Survive?: (Click image below to visit site)

As a chronic illness sufferer, I am deeply concerned about the health-related consequences of all the technology around us. According to former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the U.S. intends to press ahead aggressively without studying the possible health impact on the public. You will find this referenced specifically in the second video below.

In the following video we learn about severe “electronic illness” sufferers and how they have found relief by removing electronics from their lives.

Why Does This U.S. Town Ban Wifi and Cell Phones?:

FCC Chairman On ‘5G:’ We Won’t Study It, Regulate It, Have Standards For It; Ignores Health ?’s

In addition to the health concerns, the high frequency electromagnetic waves emitted by 5G technology are in the same spectrum as military weapons technology.

5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd control weapons

Additional resources:

SpaceX Wants To Bring The World Wide Web To The Whole Wide World

Internet of Things devices, applications & examples

How Smart Dust Could Be Used To Monitor Human Thought

Trunews Video: Rick Wiles: Internet of Things World Conference 2017 Pt. 1

Trunews Video: Rick Wiles: Internet of Things World Conference 2017 Pt. 2

Video: 5G Technology – Smart Cities, Smart Dust, Internet of Things & Our Future

Additional videos, just for fun:

Scully Gets In A Driverless Car | Season 11 Ep. 7 | THE X-FILES

The Smart Home Turns On Scully | Season 11 Ep. 7 | THE X-FILES

*Note: Special thanks to my husband for helping me with this article!


Updated August 6, 2018:

1st 5G Rollout In CA Causing Brain Damage To Firefighters:


Revelation Graphic Revised 3

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