I would periodically come across Ray Gano’s website RayGano.com while researching preparedness but I had never heard him interviewed until now.

He was recently on the Jim Bakker show with Derek Gilbert and his wife Sharon (in the audience).

Great interview! Really spurs me forward with preparing for the coming apocalypse!

The first two videos below are the Jim Bakker interview in two parts. I would encourage you to continue listening through the lengthy commercials toward the end or fast forward through them because they come back to the interview and you won’t want to miss anything.

In the third video you will find another interview where Ray addresses some of the spiritual preparedness that is VITALLY needed in the days ahead as we move toward the end times. Spiritual wickedness and demonic activity are on the rise AND WE SHOULD EXPECT THAT.

Derek and Sharon Gilbert can be found at the following websites:




Click on the first two images below to be redirected to the videos on the Jim Bakker Show website for viewing:

Ray Gano 1

Ray Gano 2
