I first heard of the idea of Jesus appearing personally to unbelievers (either in actual form or in dreams and visions) in the book, Epicenter, by Joel Rosenberg. Following is an excerpt:

In my third novel, The Ezekiel Option, I tell the story of two Christians driving through the mountains of Iran with a carful of Bibles. Suddenly their steering wheel jams and they have to slam on the brakes to keep from driving off the side of the road. When they look up, they see an old man knocking on their window asking if they have the books. “What books?” they ask. “The books Jesus sent me down here to get,” the old man replies.

He goes on to explain that Jesus recently came to him in a dream and told him to follow. When he awoke, he found out that everyone in his mountain village had had the same dream. They were all brand-new followers of Jesus, but they did not know what to do next. Then the old man had another dream in which Jesus told him to go down the mountain and wait by the road for someone to bring books that would explain how to be a Christian. He obeyed, and suddenly two men with a carful of Bibles have come to a stop right in from of him.

This is one of my favorite passages in The Ezekiel Option, but it’s not fiction. I didn’t make it up. It’s true. I got it directly from a dear friend of mine who is the head of a ministry in the Middle East. He personally knows the men involved. I simply asked if I could change their names for use in the novel, and my friend agreed.

Isn’t that incredible?!

Watchers 9

Next, in his DVD Watchers 9: Days of Chaos, L A Marzulli interviewed an Iranian who told the story of a man in a remote village in Iran being visited every night by a visitor dressed in white who knocked on his door, came in, and dictated to him after instructing the man to write down all he said. The man complied. Every night until he fell asleep, the man wrote all he was told.

Turns out the man wrote the entire book of John! The visitor was Jesus!

(By the way, I would highly recommend anything by LA Marzulli. You can visit his blog here. His store here. And his YouTube channel here.)

These are not isolated stories, as we see in the following article over at Michael Snyder’s site, TheMostImportantNews.com:

Snyder - Muslim Dreams And Visions


The point of today’s blogpost:

It’s so critically important to not give up on anyone who doesn’t know Christ as their Lord and Savior.

No one is unreachable. Nothing is impossible with God.
