My maternal grandparents were dairy farmers. The older I get and the more responsibilities of home ownership that come (and the more animals we get!), the more I appreciate how hard they worked.

They would go to bed at 11:00pm after milking the cows, only to get up at 3:00am to do it all over again.

Every day.

For years.

No vacation.

No break.

The whole farm revolved around growing food for the cows. As well as crops for selling. Not to mention the large garden that was tended with the rewards ending up in the dirt floor root cellar. Then when my mother was 9, my grandmother started working at a job off the farm too.

Not only do I think of my hard-working grandparents when I listen to the following commercial, I also remember Paul Harvey. My husband and I would listen to his Rest of the Story broadcasts nearly every day. I’m getting choked up just writing this post. His voice was so distinctive.

And he always advertised Smart Balance butter spread. My husband and I loved it on crackers. (A very cheap snack, I might add!) Every time I hear his voice I want Smart Balance crackers. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
