I just discovered this story by Michael Snyder over at TheMostImportantNews.com.

This is truly disturbing, especially when you understand the occult and satanic rituals, and you realize we are yet again approaching Halloween time.

Creepy Clowns Are Terrorizing Children, Parents And Schools All Over America

Wait, what?

I’m not kidding.

An epidemic of creepy clown sightings is sweeping America, and authorities don’t know who or what is behind it. In some instances, clowns with horrific expressions painted on their faces have been spotted standing on the side of the road, lurking near the edge of the woods or just roaming about town staring at random people. But in other instances there have been reports of clowns actually attempting to lure children with gifts, and there have even been some reports of children running away from creepy clowns that were chasing after them. While doing research for this article, I came across recent creepy clown sightings from South Carolina, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, California, Alabama, Georgia and West Virginia. This is truly a nationwide phenomenon, and many believe that it will get even worse as Halloween approaches.

Read the full story here.

We need to especially pray a hedge of protection around our children.



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