I love my chiropractor, Tom, and his wife Jennifer! They are an amazing couple with a shared heart to help people get well and improve their quality of life while honoring God in all they do. And Jennifer is one of the most vivacious, uplifting, and positive people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!

It seems every time I visit their office they are experimenting with some new technique or product ~ always striving to offer their customers the very best service.

Anyone who has explored the natural/homeopathic health realm knows that sometimes things can get a little weird. Just go into a health food store and start reading the labels. And the magazines. Or explore the Internet! It’s tough sifting through and finding the right remedies and treatment for your situation. Some of it is downright strange!

Keeping this in mind, one day I visited my doctor’s office and discovered a sink full of rocks in the bathroom.

Jens Rocks

Okay ~ now what?! Are they giving off positive ions or something?!

So I asked Jennifer, “Why do you have rocks in your sink?!”

And she replied in all her vivaciousness, “Oh! They’re just for fun!”

I couldn’t help but laugh ~ and that was the point! Enjoy the little things, like a sink full of rocks! I told her I took a picture of her rocks and was developing a blog and was going to write an article about her rocks and post it under the category Enjoying Little Things. She laughed and we talked about how we need to be so purposeful about finding pleasure in everything, even the little things our Heavenly Father has given us. Simple treasures.

Then the day came when it was announced they were going to sell the business and move to another state. I left the office crying that day. It was awful.

During another visit Jennifer informed me she was passing on the gift of the rocks to some of her closest friends and customers. Those who would appreciate them the most. And she was writing a word of encouragement on each one.

I got one!

And I found the perfect spot for it in my home ~ my printer cabinet drawer displaying some of my little treasures.

Jens Rock 1


Jens Rock 2

