Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and I had the privilege of visiting my parents and giving my mother a lovely bouquet of flowers!

While driving home on the highway I decided to give my dear friend Teresa a call and share the ride home with her. She has moved to another state and since we are busy mothers and we always talk a long time, the calls are far too few and far between. She loves Jesus with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. She is the mother who will sign up for nursery duty the moment she steps foot in heaven ~ she has such a heart for children of all ages.

I had just thought of her the day before when I found two of her poems in a pile of papers as I was cleaning and I wanted her permission to share them with you.

Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mothers ~ you do a lot of things right!


Mother’s Love

Mommy is so special and dear,
Her little one just loves to hear,
Her voice so soft and tender and sweet,
That’s where her baby can retreat.

She is there in the night,
To calm her baby’s every fright,
There to comfort and to guide,
Taking every day in stride.

She’s watching, loving, nurturing;
Seeing life as a bud in spring.
Always there with open arms,
Filling her baby with her charms.

When you hold your bundle tight,
Cherish that moment before it takes flight.
For babies grow up way too fast,
Then precious moments will be past.

Mommy is needed from start to finish,
And her love will never, ever diminish.
She’ll be there through the joy and strife,
For each little God-entrusted life.

by Teresa Zimmerman ~ copyright 1997


Mothers and Others

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes,
And they’re full of many surprises.
Besides loving the children God’s given,
They also love other mothers’ children.

A laugh, a hug, a smile hello,
A mother’s face shows love’s glow.
Touching lives, filling hearts,
Fixing even the littlest parts.

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes,
And they’re full of many surprises.
Little notes tucked in lunches,
Hugs given freely in big bunches.

A kiss, a word, you know she cares.
Able to love others, and how she shares!
Staying up so late some nights,
Calming even late night frights.

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes,
And they’re full of many surprises.
Helping others when in need herself,
Sometimes her dreams put on a shelf.

Mothers know that others come first.
She’s seen us all at our worst.
Knowing our faults, her love still surrounds.
Seeing her ways, our heart pounds.

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes,
And they’re full of many surprises.
Always there to show they care,
Ready and willing, her Jesus to share.

Mothers know that God’s there every day.
They lean on Him to light their way.
When mothers share, it’s from the heart,
And from our hearts she’ll never part.

by Teresa Zimmerman ~ copyright 1999
